The Human Resource Class was a unit established in 2012 until it was elevated to a Departmental status on 10th April, 2019 per section 78(3) of the Local Governance Act 2016, Act 936 which is now the Department of Human Resources. The Department is mainly responsible for managing, developing capabilities and competencies of each staff as well as coordinating human resource management programmes for efficient work output. Another function of the Department is to communicate basic personnel policies, practices, procedures and conducts training needs assessment which helps to identify both training and logistical gaps. The Department also harmonizes the various professionals, knowledge, skills and competencies to achieve a desire results. Some of the major activities/functions of the Department includes;
1. Human Resource Planning
2. Leave Management
3. Promotions, Upgrading and Conversions
4. Training and Development of Staff
5. Performance and Compensation Management
6. Preparation and Submission of Input Forms
7. Validation of Electronic Salary Payment Voucher (E-SPV)
8. Preparation and submission of Reports (HRMIS, Validation, Quarterly Reports etc.) Communicate Retirement Notice to Staff etc……. WORKSHOP