Posted 2021 JUNE 10th
Updated 2023 May 21st
Mr EBENEZER TETTEH (MUNICIPAL STATISTICIAN) was the UDE Census manager coordinator and played a key role in the success of the exercis in the municipality
UDE 2021 PHC 110,141
MALES = 55280 (50.2%)
FEMALES = 54861 (49.8%)
UDE 2010 PHC 72,810
Male = 35790
Female = 37020
A growth rate of 4.66% per annum representing 3393.7 people every year for the 11 year period.
Average household size = 3.4
The Statistics Department is established at MMDAs as per Second Schedule of the Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936)
Strategic Overview of Statistics Department
The guiding principles for functioning of the Statistics Department can be formulated as follows:
The Municipal Statistics Department aspires to provide reliable and responsive statistical services for good governance and development.
To harness, produce and manage quality local leve statistics based on national standards using competent staff for evidence-based decision making in support of local and national development.
Objectives of the Establishment of Statistics Department
1. Enhance the use of statistics for evidence-based decision making
2. Harmonize concepts, methods, and classifications used in the production of statistics at all levels
3. Assist the Municipal Assembly to mobilize revenue for development
4. Systematize the collation of administrative data across sectors and geographical units
5. Reinforce the coordination of statistics generation, compilation, analysis, storage, archiving and dissemination across departments within the Municipal Assembly
6. Strengthen capacity of statistical staff at the Municipal Assembly level
7. Engender statistical literacy among stakeholders
General Functions and Responsibilities of Statistics Department
1. To collect, compile, store and analyze data based on standardized formts developed by GSSS
2. Disseminate and publish statistical data based on guidelines developed by GSS
3. To ensure that statistics is produced to meet international standards
4. Prepare and submit Annual Reports of its operations to the Municipal Assembly
5. Provide inputs for the prepartion of the Municipal Assembly’s budget
6. Generate the data requirements of the Municipal Assembly on all departments for planning activities of the Municipality
7. Coordinate district statistical activities and archiving of statistics to serve as a repository of statistical data in the municipal
8. Provide timely data for incorporation into district, regional and national level statistical analyses
9. Promote Statistical Literacy and Research
10. Monitor statistical enquiries/surveys within the Municipality
11. Advise the Municipal Assembly on all matters relating to statistics
Technical Structure of the Statistics Deparment
The Statistics Department is made of up of the following Units
1. Field Operations Unit
2. Data Entry and Analysis Unit
The Department currently has only two Officers, hence needs more hands in order to operate efficiently
Staff Profile
Name of Officer: Ebenezer Tetteh
Cell Phone Number: +233245724755
Recent Activities
1. Launching of 30 days to 2021 Population and Housing Census night activities
2. Assisted in the conduct of 2021 PHC in the municipality
3. A lead in TREE data collection in the municipality