Posted October 2020   By @udema_mis

Last Updated June 2021



  1. Requisition of store items to be used by user department
  2. Receiving of materials into stores
  3. Issuing of items such as stationery to other departments.
  4. Issuing of building materials to communities within the municipality
  5. Stock – taking.
  6. Logistics and inventory managementmaterial handling



Supply Of Dual Desks To Schools In The Municipality (UDEMA).


1.Ntontom Methodist Primary School -30

2.Boa Amponsem M/A Basic School -30

3.Buabin M/A Basic School-20

4.Mfantsiman M/A Basic School-20

5.African Faith Basic School-20



1.Asikuma M/A Primary School-25

2.New Bibianiha M/A Basic School-25

3.Oponso M/A Primary School-30

4.Pokukrom No.2 M/A Primary school-25

5.Mfantsiman M/A Basic School-15

6.Zion Camp M/A Basic School-20

7.Zion No.1 M/A Primary School-20

8.Ansaru-L-Deen M/A Basic School-30

9.Abuakwa Nkwanta M/A Primary School-20

10.Amakye Ansah M/A JHS -30

11.Adwumam M/A Basic School-30

12.Denkyira Fosu M/A Basic School-40

13.Amoafo M/A Basic School-30

14.Goldfields M/A Basic School-30

15.Akyempim M/A Basic School-40

16.Mfantsiman M/A Basic School-20

17.Kwameprakrom M/A Basic School-30

18.New Bibianiha M/A Basic School-30

19.Badoa No.1 M/A Basic School-30

20.Atwinukrom M/A Basic School-30

21.Presby Primary B-30

22.Denkyira Akropong  Methodist Primary-30

23.Tegyamoso M/A Basic School-20

24.Presby M/A Basic School-10



1.Boa Amponsem M/A Basic School-28

2.Maatodie M/A Basic School-20

3.Mfantsiman M/A Basic School-10

4.Kyekyewere M/A Basic School-25

5.Agyempoma M/A Basic-67

6.Kofi Ashia Primary School-30

7.Fawomanyo M/A Basic School-20

8.Tegyamoso M/A Basic School-20

9.Abuakwa Nkwanta M/A Basic School-20

10.Maatodie M/A Basic School-20

11.Mfantsiman M/A Basic School-20

12.Kyekyewere M/A Basic-25

13.Kofi Ashia M/A Basic School-25

14.Abuakwa Nkwanta Basic School-25

15.Goldfields Basic School-80

16.Pokukrom No.1 Basic School-25

17.Esaase Basic School-96